Severe Reflux Healing Treatment
I would 100% recommend any other parent in a similar situation to contact Matthew and Gracie. My 17 day old daughter who had severe reflux and was crying /screaming for 4/5 hours straight at a time and unsettled throughout the night has had 3 sessions with Matthew and I cant even begin to say the […]
Live Healing Event
Tonight – December 23rd @ 8.30pm Dear friends, As promised our eagerly awaited Open Healing Event has arrived today. If you or your family & friends wish to receive Healing, they must tune into the live event on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or X. Please share, as it may help someone you know. We look forward […]
Update On Miracle Baby Cooper
Baby Cooper Baby Cooper Baby Cooper Stephen, Jessica & Baby Cooper Stephen & Jessica Share Baby Coopers Healing Miracle (Part 2) Cooper is now 40 days old and has come along way from he was born, he’s continuing to do well, he is now on breathing on his own with very little oxygen and managing […]
Your Healing Intentions
Send us your Healing intentions today! In the coming days, we will visit the famous underground Salt Cathedral outside Bogota, Columbia. During our visit over the next 2 days, Matthew will do a SPECIAL HEALING in this Cathedral for YOUR INTENTIONS. Please comment below with your special intentions (briefly outlining your health issues). Names […]
Sternum Damage, Bowel Obstruction & Hip Dysplasia Healing Treatment
Adrian & Therese share their testimonial httpss:// When our son was born, he was checked over by the Doctors and everything seemed perfect when leaving the hospital. When we brought him home, he was very unsettled and found it very hard to sleep. I was breastfeeding until I got mastitis & contacted Matthew & Gracie […]
Miracle Baby Cooper – Welcome To This World!
Stephen, Jessica & Baby Cooper Baby Cooper We are sharing Stephen & Jessica’s Testimonial! My husband & I contacted Matthew and Gracie a few weeks back as we had got news that our unborn baby boy was very unwell due to potential PUV (an obstruction in the lower urinary tract) which was picked up at […]
Lymphoedema Healing Treatment

If you are suffering from Lymphoedema this testimonial will resonate with you. Diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphedema 12 years ago. It all began when my mam cut her shins on a ladder and got cellulitis from the cuts. She wasn’t diagnosed early enough to help prevent progression ? Unfortunately the medics say there is no […]