Our baby girl was diagnosed with a lot of complications after being born premature at 31 gestational weeks,, we were told she had multiple vsds in her heart an two larger hole between the chambers which would be operable at a later stage in her life but her heart muscle was also extremely thickened which was the specialists main concern as he said it can not be treated that we just needed to hope it gets no thicker and block her blood flow in her heart ,, she had a mri that confirmed she has polymicrogyria and hydrocephalus and chromosome testing that confirmed Cri Du Chat syndrome, she has a spastic kidney and poor muscle tone, all this put together he doctors advised us to turn off Her breathing support as the most caring thing to do as she would have no quality of life , that she would never walk ,talk, swallow breath unaided or even think for herself and have severe seizures or epilepsy , we were distraught and couldn’t comprehend how this could be all true , then we heard about Matthew and his healings and got in contact,, after two sessions we see a vast improvement in our baby girl , she is sucking her dummy , moving her arms and legs and reacting to our voices ,, her latest eye exam came back normal and her latest heart echo showed her heart improved a great deal , the vsd s are still there but show to be closing and the large hole has reduced in size but most amazingly is the thickened muscle is starting to decrease ???????????? ,, she has become more stable and the fluid in her brain has stabilised on a follow up cranial scan , we have found hope again through Matthew and continue to work with him to get our warrior princess home for Christmas .

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