Dear Matthew, Jack is much better blessed by your healing thank you. He likes his new food from the table as well so happy for him. Jack had been on a food for allergies as he was scratching himself all the time and had runny eyes, this scratching has come back a small bit and his eyes have a bit of discharge but nothing like what he had before Matthew. I believe you continue to heal my dog Jack and I pray his allergies will heal as well so he will be fully healthy and happy again. Bless you Matthew for all your wonderful healing.

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Dear Matthew, Jack is much better blessed by your healing thank you. He likes his new food from the table as well so happy for him. Jack had been on a food for allergies as he was scratching himself all the time and had runny eyes, this scratching has come back a small bit and his eyes have a bit of discharge but nothing like what he had before Matthew. I believe you continue to heal my dog Jack and I pray his allergies will heal as well so he will be fully healthy and happy again. Bless you Matthew for all your wonderful healing.

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