That was great thanks again for all you have done for us and all the cats. The work you do with animals is amazing. What I have seen you do for some of the cats I care for, I thank God for each time I see them out of what is now a very large gathering of 5 groups of cats that live a free life. Both cats now have their sight back and can now see me because of the great work you have done. Thanks isn’t enough.

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That was great thanks again for all you have done for us and all the cats. The work you do with animals is amazing. What I have seen you do for some of the cats I care for, I thank God for each time I see them out of what is now a very large gathering of 5 groups of cats that live a free life. Both cats now have their sight back and can now see me because of the great work you have done. Thanks isn’t enough.

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