Stephen & Jessica

Update On Miracle Baby Cooper…. Cooper is now 40 days old and has come along way from he was born, he’s continuing to do well, he is now on breathing on his own with very little oxygen and managing great.. he had a set back last week with an infection but is now back on […]


Huge update guys…..WORDS xx has said since yesterday. Quack quack Cow Choo choo Beep beep Hello Yes, out And also trying to sing a line from cocomelon Johnny yes papa He absolutely shocked the socks of us xx

Adrian & Therese

When our son was born, he was checked over by the Doctors and everything seemed perfect when leaving the hospital. When we brought him home, he was very unsettled and found it very hard to sleep. I was breastfeeding until I got mastitis & contacted Matthew & Gracie for treatment. (Matthew alerted me to stop […]

Matthew Lennon Healer

I want to introduce you to AJ, one of the brightest kids I have met & worked with in my many years as a Healer. I was introduced to AJ when he was a baby. AJ is now almost 7 years old & his story goes back to preverbal days @ 2 years & 7 […]

Ciara O’ Leary

Thank you so much Matthew & Gracie for the healing treatment for my daughter who has epilepsy. I see a change in the last few days from blanking out 5 times a day since Monday and only one yesterday and no black outs today. can’t thank you both enough.

Jessica & Stephen

Miracle Baby Cooper – Welcome To This World Me and husband contacted Matthew and Gracie a few weeks back as we had got news that our unborn baby boy was very unwell due to potential PUV (an obstruction in the lower urinary tract) which was picked up at the 20-week scan but was being monitored. […]

Anonymous Client

Thank you, Matthew,  for your help with my daughter and putting mammy at ease, we went to Matthew for her sleeping issues, which she was struggling with for a while, and after the first treatment, we noticed improvement in her sleep and even in her behaviour during the day. We had received a few treatments and […]


Hi Gracie & Matthew, just an update on my sons amazing progress since we started our Healing journey with Matthew. 1. My son wasn’t able to walk and now his walk is very good. He has just turned 4. 2. His mucus is now totally cleared, so no antibiotics since , he had been on antibiotics […]


Hi Matthew and Gracie. Hope you are both well. More fantastic progress this week. We are thrilled ..Xx has tried lots of new healthy foods and more good feedback from preschool and carers ..we are amazed at your wonderful healing and help .would it be possible to have another appointment. Many thanks.


Hi Matthew and Gracie. We are so delighted with the progress. She is very happy in preschool, and they feel she understands a lot and can follow the routine. This is amazing. She has adjusted so well in a short space of time. She has tried some more foods this week too. Slowly improving. We […]