Two and a half years ago my cocker spaniel had a mass cell cancerous tumour. After been given very little hope from the vet and after 2 surgeries, I took her to Matthew in hopes that he could help her with his healing power. The vet was amazed with the results of a second biopsy which came back clear. I really feel Matthew cured her as it didn’t return. Currently she has been diagnosed with a serious blood disorder and not responding to treatment as the vet would have hoped for. I have turned to Matthew with great hope pg. It’s a great gift to have and 1 1 m very grateful to him for his help as my dog is a big part of our family. So if you have a dog with health issues, I would highly recommend Matthew and Grace. God bless.

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Two and a half years ago my cocker spaniel had a mass cell cancerous tumour. After been given very little hope from the vet and after 2 surgeries, I took her to Matthew in hopes that he could help her with his healing power. The vet was amazed with the results of a second biopsy which came back clear. I really feel Matthew cured her as it didn’t return. Currently she has been diagnosed with a serious blood disorder and not responding to treatment as the vet would have hoped for. I have turned to Matthew with great hope pg. It’s a great gift to have and 1 1 m very grateful to him for his help as my dog is a big part of our family. So if you have a dog with health issues, I would highly recommend Matthew and Grace. God bless.

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