We would recommend Matthew very much, what he done for our son over a short period of time we will be forever grateful, a time when we were in the dark, Matthew shone a light & we believe that with Matthews help, he helped our son Alo (16) recover from a clot to the brain, carvonus sinus thrombosis, a condition that until then we hadnt heard of, from the very 1st group healing sesion, we believed there was something powerful within Matthew, from the 1st time Matthew met Alo, Alo will say he felt something the only way Alo explained it was that there was a heat energy emitted from Matthews hands as he worked in the area of where he felt the 1st headache (that’s how it started). Matthew met with us twice before we turned to the specialists who told us there had been a reduction in size of clot (they were not expecting any reduction) from September to March we saw Matthew probably about 5 times both privately and open group sessions, by March Alo had fully recovered & returned to play his hurling for his county, Alo always kept the focus of getting back on the pitch & often said it to Matthew that it was his aim, we believed in Matthew from the start & have recommended him to many & passed his number to many to Matthew & Grace we say thank you, you always had Alo’s interest & Grace was always on the phone right after every appointment Alo had, checking up on him, for us it was a dark worrying time but with our faith & the faith we put into Matthew Lennon, we believe that Matthew helped us get through this frightening time

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