I’m very grateful to Matthew and Gracie. I first contacted them because my grandfather had pain after surgery. He also had problems raising his arms after a bad fall and with his throat. The sessions were online and I was translating for him because we’re in Chile and my grandfather only speaks Spanish. I could see that Matthew’s healing was been effective, easing the pain and helping improve his arm’s movement range. I contacted him again later on because I was the one needing help this time. When my cat went missing, I was very upset, got sick and also very tired. I wasn’t sleeping either, but after the sessions with Matthew I had some peace and could sleep. He also offered to send Healing to my cat, so that he could find his way back to me. He had never been outside and it took two months but he is finally back. There are several factors and actions that helped, but I think Matthew’s help and support made a big difference and I am very grateful to him and Gracie. They’re very caring, kind people and I would highly recommend them.

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