Heart Disease Healing Treatment

“I can’t believe that his condition has improved it’s amazing. I’m speechless really”. Check out this update on Matthew’s Healing Treatment! As you may be aware, Matthew dedicates his time to working with patients who have been given no hope, facing various illnesses and injuries worldwide. One remarkable story involves a young man who was sent home […]

Live Healing Event

Wednesday, 31st January 2024 @ 8pm GMT As promised, we are pleased to announce our Open Healing Event this coming Wednesday 31st January 2024. Please purchase your tickets in the link below to participate in the event. The more people that join this event, the more effective for everyone. Please share with your family & […]

Diverticulitis Healing Treatment

Worth every penny!! Contacted Matthew and Grace about a really bad flare up of Diverticulitis. I had been hospitalised with quite bad infection. Once I stopped taking antibiotics it started again. I didn’t want to continue in that vein. After that first session I haven’t had any bleeding, my energy levels are so much better, […]

Severe Reflux Healing Treatment

I would 100% recommend any other parent in a similar situation to contact Matthew and Gracie. My 17 day old daughter who had severe reflux and was crying /screaming for 4/5 hours straight at a time and unsettled throughout the night has had 3 sessions with Matthew and I cant even begin to say the […]

Miracle Baby Cooper beats all the odds

Miracle Baby Cooper leaves the hospital & arrives home for the 1st time after beating all the odds ?? We got him home, a day we never thought we would see, and we know he will do just great he’s such a strong little fighter and such a MIRACLE it feels amazing  He’s doing brilliant. […]

Christmas 2022 & Christmas 2023

Christmas 2022 In the remote areas of Dominican Republic all over Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Stephen’s Day & into the New Year, we worked with those in dire need of medical attention.This young man had no treatment for 4 years, his leg should have been amputated.It was no problem giving up the festive session […]

Lung Cancer Healing Treatment

Joanne shares her Moms remarkable Healing… My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple of months ago, I contact Gracie for Matthew to do healing with her as I had great success myself with him a few years back with my stomach over a lot of anxiety at the time. Matthew did 2 healing […]

Animal Healing Treatment

Are you aware that we treat humans and animals a like across the world? Mary shares her incredible testimonial with us about her dog Stanley. I would also like to add along with Matthews miraculous work on humans , he also heals animals, my dog was seriously sick with severe pancreatitis for two weeks he […]

Update On Miracle Baby Cooper

Baby Cooper Baby Cooper Baby Cooper Stephen, Jessica & Baby Cooper Stephen & Jessica Share Baby Coopers Healing Miracle (Part 2) Cooper is now 40 days old and has come along way from he was born, he’s continuing to do well, he is now on breathing on his own with very little oxygen and managing […]