Annoyomous Client

Hi Gracie, hope all is well with you and Matt. Xxx got his recent scan results. Everything is responding well, thank God. Nodules in all three areas (lungs, liver and pancreas) are all decreasing in size.

Noel McGrath

This man is incredible, he cured me 12 years ago when I could barely walk and had to be dressed/washed for 18 months. My back is great since. Thank you Matt

Sharon Keegan

My 5 year old cat Boo was extremely sick with an infection and very high temperature. When she was at the vet, they had no idea what was wrong with her. They found a massive bowel blockage and put her on fluids for 24 hours. They admitted that they were deeply concerned about her. Matthew […]

Sharon Keegan

My 5 year old cat Boo was extremely sick with an infection and very high temperature. When she was at the vet, they had no idea what was wrong with her. They found a massive bowel blockage and put her on fluids for 24 hours. They admitted that they were deeply concerned about her. Matthew […]


Hi Matthew, my 3rd day update. I am much better. Walking without the stick. Hopefully as I recover from Covid I will recover fully.

Annoymous Client

Good morning to you both, just a quick update, I’m doing much better my output has started again!! I’ve pulled out of a hugh stressful situation which should have been a happy situation. So with your help and pulling from that situation has definitely turned.

Annoyomous Client

Hi, just an update on xxx. The swelling is gone down in the brain. He squeezed his wife’s hand today. He is now moving his left arm and leg and only slightly with his right arm and leg. Drs gave no hope as they said he had severe brain damage.

Kerry McAllen

Hi Matthew and Grace, just a little update on xxx I know it’s only two days but the difference in him is huge. Today we were able to go out to the cinema where is was so calm and relaxed hardly any anxiety. He was so much more present. Laughing and joking with myself and […]

Courine C

Hi Matthew, just touching base to let you know I’m still relapse free regarding Multiple Sclerosis for the past 3.5 years. I’m so thankful to both yourself and Grace as in the first 2 years I relapsed 7 times and my prognosis was not looking great according to my neurologist. I have not relapsed once […]

Kerrie McAllen

I had a healing session with Matthew for a bump that was on my eyeball under the top eyelid, and it was clearly visible. I was so worried about it. A couple of days after the bump started to shrink, and after a week completely gone. Thank you so much to Matthew for this amazing […]