Anonymous Client
Hi, just texting with an update on my sons progress with Cerebral Palsy . He is jumping on the couch, climbs up on top of us on the couch or bed, he never could get his legs to climb on us.
Anonymous Client
Hi, just an update with my results as discussed. Liver – decreased in left lobe from 2cm to 1cm, other liver lesions no longer seen. Lungs – decrease in size, one measured 3.2cm, now 2cm. Poorly defined mass at pancreas, neck is no longer visible.
Anonymous Client
Hi, just wanted to give you an update on xxx, he has come out of his shell a little bit, he has rocking horse at home that makes noise and he has always been scared to sit on it but that day after his session with Matthew, he sat on it and laughed and smiled […]
Anonymous Client
Matthew, we have been a follower for a long time, yourself and Grace are the best, my family have greatly benefited from your healing and have a better life, thank you from all of us.
Bernadette Maughan
I was guided to Matthew for Ciana, a grandchild of mine been nonverbal and who is now very intellectually verbal, thank God and Our Blessed Lady for her speech.
Bernadette Maughan
My grandchild had a session with Matthew Lennon Healer today, she is presenting in autism spectrum, and within minutes or two she looked at Matthew and said nice teeth while rubbing her teeth while rubbing her own teeth with her finger, that’s the first time she has ever put two words together, amazing amazing.
Anonymous Client
I noticed a big difference in my children after both sessions. My son who is nonverbal said mama an hour after the first session and my daughter is doing wonderful in school and her anxiety has gone away. That wasn’t the case last school year! He definitely cares and is passionate about helping people!
Pat H
Initial Enquiry: Meet Angelena her owner helps me out, she is an 8 year old lady when she trots, she limps on her rear right leg, seems like the problem is high in the leg. Vets have looked but can’t say what’s wrong. owner was on about something that sounded like a stiffle joint. Can […]
Pat H
Initial Enquiry: Meet Angelena her owner helps me out, she is an 8 year old lady when she trots, she limps on her rear right leg, seems like the problem is high in the leg. Vets have looked but can’t say what’s wrong. owner was on about something that sounded like a stiffle joint. Can […]
Hi Grace and Matthew, just an update, I want to thank you so much as my pain in my side and foot is minimal now. I really appreciate you both for accommodating me in my time of need. I will be in contact if anything changes. Forever grateful.