Anonymous Client
Feeling great after last night’s healing, thank you Matthew, God Bless you.
Anonymous Client
Hi Matthew and Grace, following your open healing session last night, I slept much better than I had been sleeping in a long while and my shoulder was a little less painful in bed. Thank you.
The pain across my lower back has disappeared.. not a bit surprised ? the incisional hernia which was protruding a lot the last couple of weeks is just about flat, can’t even feel it, the relief, you have no idea, thanks a million guys.
Anonymous Client
Hi Gracie, would like to thank you and Matthew, the vertigo has gone and would you please pass on to Matthew and thank him so much for me. God Bless you both.
Deb Ireland
Hi Grace & Matthew, I’m doing good, the constant pain has gone, I am so delighted. The hardest part was resting up for 3 days, I didn’t walk too much, but now the pain has gone, movement is much easier and will improve as time moves on. Thank you so much for all your help, […]
Anonymous Client
Just an update, my granddaughter said mom-ee and Daddy, wow, last Friday after speaking to yea and again she said mom-ee to her mother during the week.
Anonymous Client
Hi Grace and Matthew. Thank you so much for your video healing on the 1st August, I have a new boy with almost no separation anxiety.. and going to school no problem which I was worried about. Keep up your good work and thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Anonymous Client
Hello Matthew and Grace, since Monday xxx has been better behaved he was at the swimming pool yesterday evening and usually gets very upset when its time to go home but yesterday his Dad told him he was allowed 5 to jump 5 more times and then home, after the 5th jump, he got out […]
Anonymous Client
Gracie, please let Matthew know that he was right on point about me having a thyroid issue! The doctor’s office told me 2 months ago that everything was normal but I just looked at the blood results and my T3 was very low and all the other thyroid numbers were in very low range as […]
Anonymous client
Hi Matthew, we spoke on Wednesday about my migraines. I haven’t had it since thank God. I have been suffering from migraines for 50 years.