Hi Matthew and Gracie, My wife’s eyes are a lot better, they are not stinging her anymore. Ears have stopped ringing. She is now feeling a lot better in herself. Thank you for all your help & we look forward to our next session ?
Hi Gracie sorry for the delay. Dxxx had some positive news today, one side of his heart was functioning at 35% and it has increased to 51% function. This is all due to Matthew’s work as the medics sent him home & could do no more. I can’t believe that his condition has improved it’s […]
Hi Matthew and Gracie. Wonderful day today for dear little Axx. The words were flowing. She was finishing more nursery rhymes and decided to say tortoise for us today if you wouldn’t mind! A difficult word.Also located the giraffe in her zoo book and said giraffe! She was in great form and so happy and […]
Mary Lawlor
I had a persistent cough since April, 2023. I had severe bouts of coughing in the morning and at nighttime. Tests did not reveal any cause and medications did not give any relief. A Respiratory Specialist listed possible causes of a persistent cough including anxiety. I needed the cough to stop to allow surgery. In […]
Good morning Gracie and Matthew. I have brilliant news this morning. My brother, received his results from his Gall Bladder removal and liver Biopsy in the post today. He got the ALL CLEAR. There is no tumor in his liver or gall bladder. We are all over the moon with his results ? I want […]
Marian Murphy
Matthew has a miraculous healing ability…there are so many of us whom have benefitted…I will never forget the first time i went to Matthew at an open day..I was sat beside a woman ravaged in a wheelchair from chemo and radiotherapy..she couldn’t walk…she walked after 10 mins of healing ..that was enough for me…he shrank […]
Xx is doing well today & no pain thank God ?
Anonymous Client
2 things with my son which is huge for me — I told Matthew while B.. goes to the toilet he would go outside to evacuate his bowel, he has done so for months and months – so sorry now to be saying this but Thursday he started to use the toilet all by himself, […]
Anonymous Client
Matthew has been working with my son for a few months. He was non verbal but has started to say lots of words and knows his numbers and ABCs . His pre-school have reported they have seen such a positive change in him over the past few months, he is engaging with the other kids […]
Diagnosed Autistic & Nonverbal School Report: He was definitely more vocal today than he has been and was repeating words he has never repeated before! Lots of singing as well- He has been singing along with Old McDonald and the alphabet song.