Our teenage son was admitted to hospital, he has type 1 diabetes and had gone into a diabetic coma.

His blood levels were dangerously high, and we were told by the consultant in the hospital that he was critically ill and they didn’t know if he was going to pull through.

They had been working on him for a few hours, he was severely dehydrated, his body was completely acidic, he had been vomiting for hours and he’d brought up blood.  He couldn’t even keep a sip of water down.

I contacted Grace and Matthew and arranged for Matthew to see him, within a half an hour of Matthew seeing him the consultant came over to us and said your son has started to improve and he was still very sick but no longer critical.

He spent the night in intensive care, and the next day he was moved into a ward where he was now able to eat, drink, sit up, walk around & go to the toilet by himself.

The same Dr who had told us the night before came to see us the next day and told us that nobody could believe the recovery our son had made.

They had never before seen a patient in his condition pull through, nobody could believe it.

I know that a miracle occurred in that hospital that night, Matthew’s healing saved our son, and I am forever grateful to him.

Our son recovered so quickly and was home after 4 days, back to school, playing sport doing everything a teenager of his age should.

Nobody can believe that we nearly lost him.

Thank you, Matthew you are truly, gifted, and thank you Grace for being so kind and helpful. I have told everyone about you, I will never be able to thank you enough.

God bless you both. xxx